Is it normal that an insurance company wants to charge for cancelling your car insurance? - cancelling a car purchase deal in ontario
My mother wants to know
Cancelling A Car Purchase Deal In Ontario Is It Normal That An Insurance Company Wants To Charge For Cancelling Your Car Insurance?
6:44 PM
In the United States, No, not normal. But if it is paid monthly, sometimes the insurance premium for a loan for a year, payable monthly. If so, it needs to be paid until the loan is paid. Do not charge a penalty, but the rest of their agreement to borrow ".
If there are only a normal 6 months, once paid, then I will probably pay off to find another insurance because it is ridiculous
If it's possible to get to the tears for his money, they will find a way. With banks, it is the industry's most corrupt in the country. Well, maybe just behind the banks and lawyers.
It seems that was the removal of 1 of my cars.It as an administration fee of $ 20.00 charged.
Yup! And the cost if you before it expires. Bastard, eh!
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