Cancelling A Car Purchase Deal In Ontario Is It Normal That An Insurance Company Wants To Charge For Cancelling Your Car Insurance?

Is it normal that an insurance company wants to charge for cancelling your car insurance? - cancelling a car purchase deal in ontario

My mother wants to know


Entidtil said...

In the United States, No, not normal. But if it is paid monthly, sometimes the insurance premium for a loan for a year, payable monthly. If so, it needs to be paid until the loan is paid. Do not charge a penalty, but the rest of their agreement to borrow ".
If there are only a normal 6 months, once paid, then I will probably pay off to find another insurance because it is ridiculous

Philip said...

If it's possible to get to the tears for his money, they will find a way. With banks, it is the industry's most corrupt in the country. Well, maybe just behind the banks and lawyers.

Gaijin said...

It seems that was the removal of 1 of my cars.It as an administration fee of $ 20.00 charged.

FlowersY... said...

Yup! And the cost if you before it expires. Bastard, eh!

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