Sister-in-law Jealous Of Baby Jealous Sister In Law Because Im Pregnant?

Jealous sister in law because im pregnant? - sister-in-law jealous of baby

My sister and I were close friends, but never a word and its fast here in front of my pregnancy. Both have 1 child and two, at 1 MC then.We targets do not say that he was personally preg now and talk a lot, and I thought I would not, and most of the family, I called my parents and I go just as well as their extension to new same.Now hardly show me in my family complains that I did not say a word about anything on the baby, even if all family members said congratulations. She said they have no children but a child who is looking unwell.Her and I have the baby's stomach every time she saw me ask once. It is a poor mother and jealous type. And after all, not as I see them in the hospital when my baby. What do you think, what can I do? What is your problem?


friend said...

Forget the jealous right and its action scenes. You need to take care of you if you have a child are happy and healthy. It is regrettable that the nurse is not good but is the top priority that you and your baby.

gem69ine said...

has answered your question. she is jealous you are getting all the attention on the time and love it. She needs to grow up and accept.

♥ Number two on board ♥ said...

Just ignore it. It will be in itself. Enjoy your pregnancy and baby if he / she comes. Perhaps it will come all the time and maybe not. Do not miss one minutes sleep.

me said...

Ignore like to be alone and enjoy your pregnancy!

due_inma... said...

Delt with this when I had my son, my sister was very unpleasant jelalous during my pregnancy, it bothers me greatly and I played in my head that I'm pregnant with a girl and she is the same, but I think at the end of day, what she thinks does not matter that the need to focus on a healthy baby so bad if you think you need to say something to be said sternly, his attitude and jealousy ID unapreciated We want the best, but until you minimal contact with her, above all, have been able to do, congratulations for Bubby and Heres hoping for an easy pregnancy and labor

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